Unholy Holocaust Remembrance and a Pet Snake for 07/07/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My grandmother died in a concentration camp in the Holocaust. This might sound weird, but as a tribute to her memory, my 20-year-old daughter wants to find out her camp number and have it tattooed on her body. She views this as a beautiful ode, however, I am beyond horrified. Legally, I can’t do anything. But what can I say to make my feelings clear? – Sad Dad

Dear Dad: Your daughter wants to honor the great-grandmother she never knew. She doesn’t want the world to forget what happened to her. Her great-grandmother existed before the horror of the Holocaust killed her. In your daughter’s mind, how better to be connected to her than to share the same tattoo she had? Your daughter’s tribute is a beautiful thought, but her logic is supremely flawed.

Updated: Fri Jul 07, 2017

Unholy Holocaust Remembrance and a Pet Snake for 07/07/2017