Play Dates With a Stay-At-Home Dad and a Stinky Teen for 09/09/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: I’m a stay-at-home dad, and most of my play dates have been with other dads so far. But I’m becoming friends with moms, too. We all have one big thing in common, but I just feel like it might be a little odd at first. If I invite a mom over with her child, are there certain things I should do as a Dad to sort of, I don’t know, make them feel comfortable? – Dad

Dear Dad: In this day and age, moms and dads are clearly taking on more similar child-rearing roles. More and more often, dads are organizing the social calendar, and that means interacting with the moms. Treat play dates with a mom friend just like you would a dad friend. You may not become best friends with all of the mothers, but if you are yourself, you will find those who will feel comfortable around you.

Updated: Sat Sep 09, 2017

Play Dates With a Stay-At-Home Dad and a Stinky Teen for 09/09/2017