Costume Dreams and Game Night Resistance for 07/15/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: Last year, my daughter, who was 8 years old, wanted her own Halloween costume to be her favorite singer, Lady Gaga. The costume was sparkly and glittery and revealed a lot of skin. I was uncomfortable with it and promised to get it next year. I figured she’d forget, but she keeps mentioning her Lady Gaga costume, even though Halloween is months away. I don’t know what to do. The costume makes her look like a Vegas showgirl. But I gave my word. What to do? – Conservative Mom

Dear Mom: Oops, you made one of the classic parenting blunders. You made a promise hoping your Lady Gaga-obsessed daughter would forget. Of course she didn’t forget. She’s 8, not 2. She loves her some Lady Gaga and wants to dress like her idol. You should never have tried to push it off or make her forget. Now you have to live up to your word, lest you want to teach her that words mean nothing.

Updated: Sat Jul 15, 2017

Costume Dreams and Game Night Resistance for 07/15/2017