A Follower Making Poor Choices and Consequences for 10/28/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My 9-year-old son seems to be getting into more trouble at school this year. He’s not the one who starts the fooling around, but he is definitely a joiner. He doesn’t want to miss out on being with his buddies. His behavior is not affecting his grades, as he is a good student. But what’s the best way to remedy his misbehaving? – Follower’s Father

Dear Father: There are two probable culprits behind your son’s behavior: He is fearful that if he doesn’t follow his friends, he won’t have any. Additionally, he might be a bit impulsive. This means he often makes quick decisions without thinking through the consequences. In order to help your son make better choices, it’s important to address both potential culprits.

Updated: Sat Oct 28, 2017

A Follower Making Poor Choices and Consequences for 10/28/2017